The S.T.D. List

The S.T.D. List

Welcome into this new article in IMPERA,made for the fearless! As you already know,we are not just a sportswear brand,we are much MORE!  

Today we talk about the S.T.D. list! But what does "S.T.D." means? 
It means "Sh*t to do" list,and is a list you MUST do for reach your daily goals!

Why is necessary? Because for reaching a big goals,is necessary do it with little daily steps.
This will help your discipline too! ( and as we know,discipline is N1 when you want to elevate yourself).

Doing your little quests every day will lead you to victory,and every time you complete your list,don't forget to be PROUD of yourself,no matter what the tasks are,YOU DID IT for today! Be proud of yourself,as I am proud of you! 
Those little steps will build more self confidence in yourself and in your goals.

As Admiral William H. McRaven said,"if you want to change the world,start making your bed in the morning". Why? Because little things matter.Once you start do little tasks as making your bed at the morning,this will activate a sense of gratification in you.At the end of the day,when you finished your little daily tasks,you will go to sleep being PROUD of you!

Do your S.T.D. list before going to sleep,not the same day! 

Thank you for reading this article FEARLESS! 



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