The Fearless

The Fearless

Hello Fearless!
Welcome to a new article in our blog!

"Impera,Made for the Fearless"..."Be Brave,Be Fearless"...
Those two are our most important mottos,but what does "Fearless" means?
Being "Fearless" does not mean your're just a person that goes to the gym,working out 2 hours at day and eat only chicken and rice...
Being "Fearless" is more than that!
A true one will follow his dreams no matter what happen in his life,no matter the work,no matter the weather,the people around him/her and,most important,he/she wants to RISE above the normal "standards"...No matter how many times life put this person down... A true fearless will find ALWAYS a way to rise up and going on!
Are you a true FEARLESS?
If yes,continue reading below:

The path will be difficult in you chose to follow your dream,very difficult...
I know that...
You will lose friends,lose parties,money,you need to study,sweat,train hard,read, and try,try,try again too many time!
But your dream will come to you!
Remember:you are NOT alone! 
Impera is not just a sportswear for women and men,is a FAMILY! A family of FEARLESS!
You might be thinking that in this you are alone,but here you will find people like you that want to do the same thing as you..follow their dreams!

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