The Burnout

The Burnout

Hello Fearless!

Welcome to another article of our FEARLESS BLOG!

Today I will talk about an enemy in our road to achieve our dreams! 
I'm talking about the "Burnout".

The Burnout is a psychological condition that can appear when you are full of stress,both mental and physical,reaching physical and emotional exhaustion!
 The perceived feeling is that of "I can't do it anymore",feeling dissatisfied about the work done so far and demotivated.
Over time, burnout can lead to a mental detachment from one's job, with an attitude of indifference, malevolence and cynicism.It should not be underestimated, considering its temporary and unimportant symptoms: demoralization and negativity towards one's context can sometimes lead to depression and other more complex disorders to deal with.

How do you get out of it?
The first step is self-awareness of "something is going wrong",be aware that something is wrong is the first step for going out of it.
Then,reorganize your lifestyle and your work: remember,your psychological and physical health is more important than all the other things! 
Take a break,rest,do something you like,unplug for some days,and then REORGANIZE your life.
Unfortunately no one is safe from the burnout.
If you need help,contact a specialist,asking for help makes you stronger,not weak!

It happened to me too.
Create a business is not easy like the most of the people says,it's hard and requires a strong mind...and stomach.
I had gastritis,stomachache and headache for two months in a row. 
I kept repeating myself "I can handle it" but no,the stress was too much.
Then I decided to unplug from IMPERA for a month and search a part time work,so I can take my mind busy from all the negative thoughts.
But here I am,my business still here,and is growing day by day!
So...bad days,bad months happens... It's normal,it's LIFE! 
They make you stronger,it's self improving...But,you NEED to know when to stop!
One step at the time,no rush,everything takes time.
Stop,unplug,chill,reschedule your life and work attitude.
And most important: NEVER GIVE UP! 

So,this is all for this article FEARLESS, I hope those information can be useful for you and your road to chase your dreams! 

See you in the next article!



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