The Meditation

The Meditation

Welcome to this new IMPERA article!
We will shortly talk about meditation, the advantages of practicing it and why it is fundamental in your journey towards your dream!

Meditation is a technique used to achieve greater mental mastery, with the aim of concentrating on a single thought, leaving out distractions or what is useless to us.
You start with short 5-minute sessions, then gradually increase the duration of the sessions until you reach 10/20 minutes. If necessary, you can take a short break during the session and then resume.
The benefits of this practice will be visible from the first weeks, completely changing your mentality, your mood and your body ... I personally witness the benefits of this practice, and I recommend it to all of you as part of your change process in your best version!
A candle and a stick of incense can be used during meditation, preferably in a dark room, to create the right atmosphere of relaxation.
But how do you meditate? There are various techniques for meditating, and everyone has their own .. but it simply consists of lying down on a comfortable surface (or sitting cross-legged on a mat), closing your eyes, breathing deeply and focusing on ourselves to increase our awareness about our emotions and about us.
Simple? Yes!
Good luck in your meditations and on your path to your fearless goals!
See you in the next article!

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